More About the Author "secureteam"

Author Nick: secureteam
Name: Eran Smith
About the Author: The author is Microsoft certified .Net Professional who has rich experience of . net frame work, .net Obfuscator & related subjects.

Articles by secureteam :

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Spammers and ways to deal with them in ASP

Spamming has been a persistent problem especially with blog owners who have a tough time while trying to keep spammers at bay. There are various methods that can be employed to keep such users at bay. In .NET you can employ a code in the Website coding itself to keep spammers at bay. Spamming has […]

Silverlight a step ahead in ASP

Silverlight has once again proved to the world that Microsoft is able and ready to make any upgrades to make ASP.NET the most successful venture in their portfolio. It has received excellent reviews and the features are really great. Rich interactive applications in .NET have received an impetus from silverlight which has been introduced by […]

ASP and the new rage: Silverlight

Silverlight has once again proved to the world that Microsoft is able and ready to make any upgrades to make ASP.NET the most successful venture in their portfolio. It has received excellent reviews and the features are really great. Rich interactive applications in .NET have received an impetus from silverlight which has been introduced by […]

Simplifying ASP.NET with Page templates

There are so many things we do while coding that we should have avoided and the end result maybe quite different from what we have expected. While working in ASP.NET we have to take care of some common pitfalls that tend to be on the way to our success in the coding of robust and […]

Increasing the productivity of a ASP.NET Designer with MVC

Much has been talked about the introduction of MVC in ASP.NET. Before going in for MVC in ASP.NET it is of utmost importance to evaluate its features and compare it with traditional Web Forms Development. On Microsoft Platform the ASP.NET Web forms development is quite effective and a very mature technology to be used as […]