More About the Author "sflockandsafe"

Author Nick: sflockandsafe
Name: sflock andsafe
About the Author: SFLockandSafe offers a wide variety of locks to fit all of your needs. We have technicians that specialize in safes, electronic locking systems, magnetic locks, panic devices, Emerrgency, Commercial, Residential & Automotive Locksmith, and access control.

Articles by sflockandsafe :

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Master Keys: Simple Security With Convenient Access

Hotel managers, night cleaning services, landlords and business owners use master keys regularly to gain access to properties, buildings or individual rooms for a variety of reasons. They allow individuals to have access to areas that may be locked, despite not having an individual key for each individual door or room. Understanding how they work […]

Keyless Entry Buzzer Systems: Security And Convenience For Home And Office

Keyless entry is quickly becoming one of the most popular ways to add security to homes and offices. Because there is no need to make individual keys for family members or employees, these systems are efficient and provide less opportunity for intruders to invade a home or office. Benefits of Keyless Entry When you install […]

Guidelines for Deadbolt Lock Installation

You must be thinking why should you install a deadbolt lock? Certainly, this type of question will pop in your mind because of the cost factor, however it really should be viewed as an investment. A deadbolt lock can provide extra security to your front entrance door and other main entry doors to your home. […]

How to protect your home from lock bumping

Lock bumping incidents are increasing in the Pembroke Park city at an alarming rate. The main reason behind the increasing occurrence of lock bumping is because you can break any lock and get into the home without using any special equipment. 90 percent of household locks can be opened quickly with lock bumping techniques. Though […]

Lock Bumping Solutions

Many homeowners and businesspeople assume that having a lock automatically guarantees that family and assets will be protected. For many, there is never a question of lock upgrades; they consider protection to be assured, provided that the lock does not become damaged or broken. Tragically, almost 95% of commercial locks are vulnerable to an incredibly […]