More About the Author "shailendra"

Author Nick: shailendra
Name: shailendra singh
About the Author: shailendra

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Using online help for calculus problems

Calculus is an important branch of mathematics that deals with the finding the properties of integrals of functions, with the methods that are originally based on the summation of infinitesimal differences. The general meaning of calculus means “hard”. The mathematical term of calculus means a field that is theoretical offshoot of algebra that describes the […]

Differential equations, linear equations and online help

Friends, today we are going to see the concepts behind different types of equations and how can we solve them with the help of Internet or by using online help. First question arises is that What is an equation? An equation is basically a condition on the variable or we can say that an equation […]

how to use online help for completing homework

Is there anyone who can help me in completing my homework? Many of you put this question while doing homework right or wrong? From now, no need to think all these questions because online tutors has arrived to help all the students who are passing from this phase. Generally homework is given to students to […]

Help for doing math homework

Dear friends, before starting anything I will tell you a thing that I always thought while doing my homework. I always thought that their must be superman or batman who can do my homework. Do you also thinks like this? Yes, then no need to worry, many students need help while doing homework. When students […]

How to simplify complex fractions

Before explaining complex fractions and radical expressions simplification, I will explain you the meaning of simplification. Simplifying a number or fraction means reducing the complexity of the number without changing its value. For simplifying the expression we bring together all the rules and properties which we apply on real numbers. A complex fraction is a […]