More About the Author "shailendra"

Author Nick: shailendra
Name: shailendra singh
About the Author: shailendra

Articles by shailendra :

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How to tackle Inequalities?

Friend’s, rational numbers are the most interesting and important section in number system. Sometimes it becomes so difficult to solve a rational expressions, as rational numbers comes with an expressions or decimal numbers. So today we are going to understand the basic concepts of rational numbers and how we can solve the problems of rational […]

math article on equation solver

Friends this article shows you the basic concept behind Algebra problems and how online math tutoring helps us in solving our math problems. Maths is like a game, we just need to practice it continuously. As we move towards higher education, Algebra problems becomes tougher and more complex. A daily practice and hard work will […]

Online Tutoring in Algebra

Friends feel afraid of maths, are you a math phobic or struggling with your mathematics problems. A math tutor may help you in removing your math problems. Students continuously move towards higher education and their math problems become more complex and tough. Online Math tutor helps you to excel your mathematics and also makes them […]

Solving Linear Equations

Friends , today we are going to talk about Linear equations in mathematics that what is Linear equations are all about and how to solve them in an appropriate way? We all know that as we move further in our higher studies, math becomes a necessary subject to be studied and its problems gets complex […]

Try College Algebra online once

College algebra is the mathematics that taught to students of college. College algebra is a technique-driven syllabus. In the college algebra, techniques are emphasized and applications or problems or questions are chosen that are gullible to the specific technique. In the beginning, the college algebra moves around the quantitative based problems. When we move on […]