More About the Author "skymaggie1"

Author Nick: skymaggie1
Name: liu lliu
About the Author: this is my space

Articles by skymaggie1 :

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Feature Analysis of wollastonite’s chapter two

China’s wollastonite deposits are mainly distributed in three geosynclinal fold systems. The Jilin-Heilongjiang fold system with many large mineral deposits are the most important tectono-magmatic unit, followed by the South China fold system and Shanjiang fold system. There are small mineral deposits on margins of the Yangtze platform and North China platform. The intermediate and […]

Current state and future vista of Salt market

For a time in the 80s of the 20th century, there appeared a situation of demand excee-ding supply on China’s salt market and particularly the edible salt and industrial salt were in short supply, thus unfavorably affecting the social stability. In the terminal 80s, the salt industry developed rapidly, following the implementation of the principle […]

Chemical element analysis of salt in China

The chemical products of salt in China are dominated by potassium chloride, industrial bromine, ahydrous sodium sulfate and magnesium oxide, with a scaled production of some new chemical products such as potassium sulfate being gradually established. In 1997, China’s total output of the chemical products of salt amounted to 1,563,102 tons, 21.49% up over 1996, […]

Introduce sea salt repositories with both hands

Sea salt region The northern sea salt zone is the principal sea salt production zone. The major production enterprises are the Yingkou and Fuzhouwan Saltworks in Liaoning, the Tanggu Saltworks in Tianjin, the Jiangsu Salt Industry Company in Jiangsu, the Yangkou Saltworks in Shandong, the Nanbao Saltworks in Hebei, etc. The major production enterprises in […]

Surprise count on well-mineral salt region

In 1997 there were 13 key well-mineral salt production enterprises in China. Among them, those with a production scale greater than 300,000 t/a include: Sichuan Emei Salt Chemical Industry Group, with a production capacity of 650,000 t/a and an output of 442,500 tons; Hubei Yingcheng Salt Mine with a capacity of 500,000 t/a and an […]