More About the Author "skymaggie1"

Author Nick: skymaggie1
Name: liu lliu
About the Author: this is my space

Articles by skymaggie1 :

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Potash fertilizer’s market foreground is not optimistic

Because of the limitation by resource conditions and other causes, the situation of the supply and demand of potash fertilizer in China cannot be optimistic. On the one hand, the production of potash fertilizer cannot increase greatly in a short time, and on the other, the demand for potash fertilizer goes up year by year; […]

Boron-producing country cannot do without China

Boron is a nonmetallic element. It exists only in the form of compounds in nature, but boron in a dispersive state is ubiquitous in the crust, and it is also an ubiquitous element in surface water, subsurface water, magmatic emanations, mineral spring water and fluid inclusions in all strata. Boron minerals are versatile chemical mineral […]

Concluding summary of marble enterprises in China

The sources of China’s marble are mainly Shandong, Guangxi, Guangdong and Jiangsu, which contribute about 50% of the country’s total supply, and marble can be supplied in large batches. The supply from Henan, Hubei, Yunnan and Sichuan takes up about 30% of the national total; the marble supplied by these provinces is of varying colors […]

Distinction Between sea salt and lake salt resources

(1) Characteristics of sea salt resources The surface-layer salinities of the offshore waters of China show a distribution regularity: low in near-shore zones, high in open sea areas and even higher in Kurushio zones, and have a close relationship with seasons: high in winter and low in summer. In winter, the surface-layer seawater salinities average […]

Classification Presentation of Lake Salt Deposits

Lake salt deposits may be classified into the following three types in terms of the mode of occurrence: 1) Solid-phase lake salt deposits. They refer to the completely dried, brineless playas and the lake salt deposits dominated by solid Na-salt deposits. Solid lake-salt deposits are commonly exposed to the surface or buried at a shallow […]