More About the Author "softwarebazar"

Author Nick: softwarebazar
Name: software bazar
About the Author: Softwarebazar LLC is a premier global aggregator of information pertaining to the software industry.
Based out of Dubai Internet City in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates, Softwarebazar LLC strives to be the number one source of quality information on the Internet as far as all the kinds of software that are commonly available on it.
Together with our comprehensive team of 9 editors, it is our endeavor to ensure that we provide you with objective and unbiased information that will very well serve your purpose as far as choice of particular software is concerned.
The fact that we are not endorsed by any particular software company or group ensures that we remain objective at every step. This includes our unbiased approach towards both paid as well as open source, free software – all we do is provide you with quality information with regard to facets of these software; it is your own personal endeavor as to which one you opt for!
Articles by softwarebazar :
05.30.11 | Comments Off on ASP vs. PHP: Which one is better?
ASP and PHP are both popular programming languages which are used by programmers to develop dynamic graphical websites. Today most website developers are aware of the competition in the online arena and try to spice up their website more to attract users. It is therefore important to choose a programming language which can make a […]
05.27.11 | Comments Off on How Giveaway pages can popularize your Website
Creating a giveaway is the latest trend of web marketing which aims at attracting a large number of users to a new or struggling website. There are various methods of web promotions which are being used by Internet marketers to promote websites and blogs. Many SEO techniques which produces promising rewards are now becoming more […]
05.27.11 | Comments Off on Make more Gold in Word of Warcraft with Add-ons
WoW or World of Warcraft is the best known MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) in the world which is played by hundreds and thousands of users around the world on a daily basis. As a role playing game this game requires you to collect as many Gold as you can so that you […]
05.26.11 | Comments Off on Use VPN to effectively hide your IP address
Privacy issues have been bugging users for a long time since the advent of various Internet related services and products. Since the inception of Internet into everyday life people are more frequently using this service for both personal and professional usage. Internet security issues have been a subject of discussion in various forums and most […]
05.25.11 | Comments Off on Best data recovery software for Mac and where to get them for free
Most people dealing with crucial data both online and offline on a personal or work computer knows the implication of data loss and therefore take precautionary steps to prevent such from happening. Data loss is something that can happen anytime and anyplace and can amount to large amount of loss for the person or for […]