More About the Author "softwarebazar"

Author Nick: softwarebazar
Name: software bazar
About the Author: Softwarebazar LLC is a premier global aggregator of information pertaining to the software industry.
Based out of Dubai Internet City in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates, Softwarebazar LLC strives to be the number one source of quality information on the Internet as far as all the kinds of software that are commonly available on it.
Together with our comprehensive team of 9 editors, it is our endeavor to ensure that we provide you with objective and unbiased information that will very well serve your purpose as far as choice of particular software is concerned.
The fact that we are not endorsed by any particular software company or group ensures that we remain objective at every step. This includes our unbiased approach towards both paid as well as open source, free software – all we do is provide you with quality information with regard to facets of these software; it is your own personal endeavor as to which one you opt for!
Articles by softwarebazar :
03.29.11 | Comments Off on Essential Maintenance Tips for your Computer
The computer is one of the most important inventions to have taken place in the 20th century, which has grown over several decades contributing to the growth and changes in human learning and behavior. Today the computer is an essential part of human life without which they cannot do their day-to-day tasks. This amazing machine […]
03.28.11 | Comments Off on The Benefits and Drawbacks of Google Docs
Google Docs as most people know is an excellent document tool which can be used to create and share with various people over the Internet. Google Docs comes with a range of packages offering the user options to produce and share various Office documents like Word, Spreadsheet and PowerPoint presentations online. Although most people are […]
03.28.11 | Comments Off on How to convert songs to MP3 – Software Download
MP3 is the most popular format for audio files and most people love to store their favorite songs and audio clips in this format. Converting a particular file format to MP3 involves a unique process and it varies from one file type to another. For example converting a WAV file to MP3 involves a different […]
03.28.11 | Comments Off on Online Conversion of Docs to PDF
For many of us converting a doc file to pdf is an easy task if we take the help of a third party file converter . Without the help of an effective file converter it is not possible to convert doc files to pdf. The main disadvantage that comes here is that most of these […]
03.25.11 | Comments Off on Choosing the Best Video Editing Software
Whether you are a professional filmographer or a hobbyist a video editing software is a must for all to give a special touch to videos. With the growing popularity of video hosting sites like YouTube, Metacafe and Break people’s interest in making and uploading videos has taken a upwards turn. Today video makers rely on […]