More About the Author "softwarebazar"

Author Nick: softwarebazar
Name: software bazar
About the Author: Softwarebazar LLC is a premier global aggregator of information pertaining to the software industry.
Based out of Dubai Internet City in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates, Softwarebazar LLC strives to be the number one source of quality information on the Internet as far as all the kinds of software that are commonly available on it.
Together with our comprehensive team of 9 editors, it is our endeavor to ensure that we provide you with objective and unbiased information that will very well serve your purpose as far as choice of particular software is concerned.
The fact that we are not endorsed by any particular software company or group ensures that we remain objective at every step. This includes our unbiased approach towards both paid as well as open source, free software – all we do is provide you with quality information with regard to facets of these software; it is your own personal endeavor as to which one you opt for!
Articles by softwarebazar :
05.16.11 | Comments Off on Free Interactive games for your Android Phone
After the launch of Android mobile operating system from Google, the demand for applications based on this platform has climbed to astronomical levels. The Android has climbed in popularity and today its marketplace is next only to Apple’s. This open source platform from Google offers developers’ ample opportunities to market their products in the open […]
05.16.11 | Comments Off on How Keyword and SEO tools can accelerate Search Engine Rankings
SEO and Keywords are both essential elements in making a website more search engine friendly and boosting its rankings to the topmost slot and considerably increasing traffic in the process. Getting organic traffic is a really hard task to accomplish and for that you would require a huge amount of effort to be put on […]
05.13.11 | Comments Off on How to stop Windows 7 from starting in Safe Mode
Windows 7, the latest operating system from Microsoft is considered to be a very stable operating system compared with its predecessors. Even though Windows 7 is quiet stable it is not entirely free from errors and is sometimes prone to corruption which can occur due to various reasons. One of the most common problems associated […]
05.12.11 | Comments Off on Top free audio application for music lovers
Music has enchanted people for a long time and inspired people in many different ways. Music has the capacity to bring changes in people due to the soothing effect; music is never going to get out of data. Today music has been divided into various different genres and a particular type of music preferred by […]
05.12.11 | Comments Off on Tips to solve Windows Explorer 9 crashing issue
Windows Explorer 9 is the latest browser from Microsoft which is a predecessor of Explorer 8 and is still in the beta version. Due to this reason this browser is highly prone to crashes, errors, and multiple issues which prevent the proper functioning of the browser. There are several factors that cause IE9 to crash. […]