More About the Author "softwarebazar"

Author Nick: softwarebazar
Name: software bazar
About the Author: Softwarebazar LLC is a premier global aggregator of information pertaining to the software industry.
Based out of Dubai Internet City in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates, Softwarebazar LLC strives to be the number one source of quality information on the Internet as far as all the kinds of software that are commonly available on it.
Together with our comprehensive team of 9 editors, it is our endeavor to ensure that we provide you with objective and unbiased information that will very well serve your purpose as far as choice of particular software is concerned.
The fact that we are not endorsed by any particular software company or group ensures that we remain objective at every step. This includes our unbiased approach towards both paid as well as open source, free software – all we do is provide you with quality information with regard to facets of these software; it is your own personal endeavor as to which one you opt for!
Articles by softwarebazar :
05.05.11 | Comments Off on Things that you should look for in an RPG Game
RPG or Role Playing Game as we better know them is considered to be one of the most popular gaming genres in the world. With a lot of RPG games doing the round users are usually baffled which one to choose amongst a list of thousand games. Today there are many popular RPG titles out […]
05.05.11 | Comments Off on Effective Email Marketing Tips for sure shot success
Email marketing is one of the most powerful methods to boost your business through the online medium and gain a significant presence in the Internet. It is worth noting that some email marketing campaign do have bad effect and seriously tarnish the image of your company as many people see these campaigns no more than […]
05.04.11 | Comments Off on How to make Gold the easy way in WoW
WoW (World of Warcraft) is one of the best MMORPG ( Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game ) in the world which is played by hundreds and thousands of players over the world at the same time. The best thing in WoW is to make Gold to gain a higher level and beat your competitors. […]
05.03.11 | Comments Off on Essential Tips for Mac Data Recovery and solving Unknown Error 39
The operating system installed on Mac computers are known to be one of the most stable and secure as it is based on the solid foundation of UNIX. Apart from providing security and stability the Mac OS features various graphically enhanced applications and offers multi-way chatting, animations, soft drop shadows and a lot of other […]
05.03.11 | Comments Off on The benefits of installing Keylogger software
A keylogger is a highly sophisticated software that is built to spy upon computer activities, be it online or offline and report to the administrator about activities pertaining to a particular computer or a network of computers across a common network. Keylogger have been notorious for being a spy software used by hackers and online […]