More About the Author "softwarebazar"

Author Nick: softwarebazar
Name: software bazar
About the Author: Softwarebazar LLC is a premier global aggregator of information pertaining to the software industry.
Based out of Dubai Internet City in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates, Softwarebazar LLC strives to be the number one source of quality information on the Internet as far as all the kinds of software that are commonly available on it.
Together with our comprehensive team of 9 editors, it is our endeavor to ensure that we provide you with objective and unbiased information that will very well serve your purpose as far as choice of particular software is concerned.
The fact that we are not endorsed by any particular software company or group ensures that we remain objective at every step. This includes our unbiased approach towards both paid as well as open source, free software – all we do is provide you with quality information with regard to facets of these software; it is your own personal endeavor as to which one you opt for!
Articles by softwarebazar :
04.22.11 | Comments Off on Download the best Music editing software for free
Music composing and editing has evolved both as a serious profession as well as pastime for many people over the years. With the advent of digital age things have become much simpler due to the use of automated tools that does most of the work for you. Music editing is as a profession is a […]
04.21.11 | Comments Off on Best in class free photo editing software
Whether you agree or not, the fact is that these days the best pictures are created using photo editing software. Perhaps, this is the reason for the arrival of so many photo editing software and most of them are free of cost. These software are offered for free to create popularity among users. Read on […]
04.20.11 | Comments Off on Download Free Animation Software
Animation is a type of art where you can convert simple graphic sequence of images into a moving 2D or 3D art illusions. Digital animation has been around for quite a long time and over the last few decades this has risen in popularity. With studios like Disney releasing a lot of hit animated movies […]
04.19.11 | Comments Off on Reasons why Games Freezes while playing on Computer
Slowness problem is often a nuisance for most PC gamers who like to play their favorite games on their system. A game can freeze while playing on a PC for different reasons like a virus, a bug or due to other technical issues on the users system. Whatever be the reason a slow and buggy […]
04.19.11 | Comments Off on Firefox 4 vs Chrome 11
Most people must be aware about the launch of Mozilla Firefox 4 and Google Chrome 11 web browser in recent days. With the launch of these two products the browser war is becoming even more intense and the clash will continue to prevail in the coming days. Both the browsers are updated with the latest […]