More About the Author "sophie132"

Author Nick: sophie132
Name: sophie adriaens
About the Author: The best place to place your skyscraper Banner would be hotel sites or tourist guide sites.

Articles by sophie132 :

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Future of On-line Advertisement

Advertising was one of the very oldest concept people have been using several thousands of year ago even when there was no paper, they used to carve on the marble stone the message they wanted to pass, advertising picked up after the invention of paper and the invention of printing press, companies printed their message […]

All You Should Know About On-line Advertisement

Since the early ninety when web was very rarely used by selected group of people advertising was on the cards of website and search engine developers, they did not know where and how the money to support their on-line search engines ideas would come from, but they knew that they would have to figure out […]

Advertising Over Internet Using Banners

Today there are great places to post your advertisements online rather than placing your Banner advertisement on your local Yellow pages, more and more people are going to online option as you get quick targeted coverage of your advertisement, there are several advertising techniques you can use to be visible online, like place a simple […]