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Name: James Jarmoush
About the Author: At Excel Medical Waste, our management team is comprised of seasoned medical waste related industry veterans who possess a common goal of providing our customers with the best option for regulated medical waste disposal.

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Medical Waste Threats and disposal

Medical wastes or clinical wastes are unwanted biological products which are highly infectious in nature. It has to be disposed properly otherwise it could pose as a health and environmental danger. Medical wastes are found in hospitals, laboratories, research centers, tattoo parlors etc. Medical wastes are broadly classified into infectious waste and bio-hazardous waste. These […]

Things you got to know about Beauty Schools

Are you passionate on choosing a career that completely focuses on beauty and fashion? If yes, then here are few things you got to know about beauty schools and why they are for. Beauty schools offer studies entirely related to beauty treatments. Students of beauty schools have multiple classes and programs just like a regular […]