More About the Author "speedwinds"

Author Nick: speedwinds
Name: Amar T
About the Author: Amar works as a copy writer, specializes in promoting websites for highly competitive keywords like HGH.

Articles by speedwinds :

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Dihydrotestosterone in Male Hair Loss

Role of Dihydrotestosterone in Male Hair Loss Androgenetic alopecia, also known as male pattern baldness, is the most prevalent type of hair loss in humans. Androgenetic alopecia is easily identified by its characteristic patterns of hair loss which starts from the hair line and progresses to the crown. This pattern thinning of hair occurs gradually […]

Balding Causes and Treatments

Balding-Causes and Treatments Many men are compelled to deal with balding at some point in their lives. Throughout the ages, balding men had been subjected to mockery primarily because our society worships beauty. Losing hair and becoming bald can be a major dilemma for those who are affected. Balding is very common among men. The […]

Androgenetic Alopecia Treatments

Opt for Non-Prescription Androgenetic Alopecia Treatments Androgenetic alopecia is the most prevalent type of hair loss which affects both men and women. In men, it is called male pattern hair loss. In women, it is called female pattern hair loss. Both men and women exhibit the same pattern of hair loss. Apparently, the condition is […]

Androgenetic Alopecia

Understanding Androgenetic Alopecia The term androgenetic alopecia generally refers to the hereditary patterned hair loss in both men and women. Hair loss normally starts at the frontotemporal region and progresses to the vertex and crown. It affects over half of men and about the same percentage of menopausal women. Studies show that the condition is […]

Human Growth Hormone Advice

An Expert Advice Necessary in Picking the Right HGH Product With the number of different products labeled as human growth hormone supplement, seeking HGH advice helps a lot in choosing the right product. You should not be confused with the number of choices nor be lured to buy ineffective products. As a consumer, there are […]