More About the Author "stephan21"

Author Nick: stephan21
Name: stephan21 smith
About the Author: Hello, I am stephen & I am It graduate. I love to develope web applications & designining stuffs. I am also a good football player and even play online video games.

Articles by stephan21 :

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Uses of Facebook Applications

Social media is the latest and the most effective entrant in the marketing arena. From bigger enterprises to smaller ventures, all and sundry are exploiting this medium to the hilt thus furthering their trade. The most coveted destination for such promotions is proven to be Facebook as it has the highest users logging in every […]

Make your business a success story with facebook fan page

Facebook is a world in itself as it connects people globally, be it of any nation region or religion. It has become a sound destination for people to interact and the most trustworthy medium to locate the long lost ones.  Such is the glory of facebook that from friends to family, a celebrity to a […]

Why is android application development so popular

All of a sudden mobile market is buzz about android phones- companies are churning out android mobile one after the other, each competitively priced than other- Samsung, LG, HTC, Micromax, Sony, almost all the big brand names have jumped in. Interesting question to think here is- what has made android mobile market hip and hot? […]

Make your business a success story with facebook fan page

Facebook is a world in itself as it connects people globally, be it of any nation region or religion. It has become a sound destination for people to interact and the most trustworthy medium to locate the long lost ones.  Such is the glory of facebook that from friends to family, a celebrity to a […]

Facebook store locator: medium of right connectivity

Facebook has established itself as a leader in social media marketing with user count going above 500 million.  This has encouraged large enterprises as well as small ventures and even beginners to make use of this medium. However just by forming connectivity with facebook is not enough for the success of an enterprise but utilization […]