More About the Author "suenolan01"

Author Nick: suenolan01
Name: Sue Nolan
About the Author: is a web writer who has written volumes of articles for various industries. Her expertise are on health, finance, business, home and family.

Articles by suenolan01 :

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Life Line Screenings for Colon Cancer

Statistics would show that colon cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. People are aware that this is life-threatening but it looks like they still need more encouragement in order to take preventive measures such as life line screenings. Life Line Screening also known as the leader in preventive health screenings actually […]

The Role of a Nurse Navigator in the Life of a Senior

Aging is inevitable and as people grow older they undergo changes that may affect their health, memory and body. This may come as a shock to people suffering from conditions brought about by old age or serious medical conditions. Family members can get affected too and the only way to surpass this feeling is by […]

Benefits of Prescription Discounts to the Elderly

It’s hard to keep up with the price of prescription medicines these days and those who are greatly affected by these are seniors. The price continues to go up over the years as their funds and assets dwindle due to the high cost. Is there a way they can combat this? The answer is yes. […]

How to Make the Most of your Pharmacy Finder

There’s no doubt that online pharmacies have been giving people the ease and ultimate convenience in purchasing their medications but not everyone knows that there other things you can get from a pharmacy finder. Based from their experience, people will recommend this practice rather than going to their local pharmacy. This is really convenient since […]

Convincing your Loved One in Hiring an Elder Care Specialist

Seniors can be stubborn at times, resisting help and additional assistance from family members and much more from an elder care specialist. Even if they don’t admit it there are signs that give away their current situation, whether their health declined or they have lost their ability to do their daily activities. Of course anyone […]