More About the Author "sweetthink"

Author Nick: sweetthink
Name: Nada youssef
About the Author: I am very much interested to do writing jobs. Because I have been doing these types of jobs for some of my regular customers on a DAILY BASIS. I write SEO friendly article, press release, website or blog content and complete e-book. I know how to optimize the KEYWORDS with proper keyword DENSITY, so that the keywords are MAXIMUM optimized and in the same time it is safe from keyword stuffing obligation by search engine. I am an expert writer. I write seo friendly article, website and blog content for almost ANY SUBJECT

Articles by sweetthink :

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Retouching MP4 videos

Nowadays technology always surprises us with new standards for compressing video and audio which results in new formats and extensions. All these iterations aim to produce better quality and smaller file size.  One of those formats is the MP4. A ton of popular videos are in MP4 format. You may find out that you have […]

You hold the power of change

One must have watched those reality shows on TV where a random person from the populace is selected by the TV crew, taken to the studio and given a chance to swap a single day in the life of a celebrity. These shows fetch tremendous rating simply because people wish to see how celebrities live […]

Retouching AVI Videos

Having a lot of videos in AVI format encourages me to collect more information about this unique format. In this article I share my information about AVI and how to convert and edit AVI video. Keep open-eyes and continue reading to learn the best method to retouch your precious video professionally and easily. AVI is […]

Edit the AVI files!

AVI is a widely used file format. Most of the social media channel contains massive quantity of these AVI file formats. It is widely used because has multiple advantages, which are associated with this file format. 1- Outstanding audio quality. 2- Codec choice lets people experience different tastes of music. 3- Fully integrated with mainstream […]

Create a Handmade Video of Photographs

Envision a film starring you as well as your family and friends. Properly perhaps not on Hollywood but within your own house, inside the massive Tv display using the memories from the past. Digital cameras are now a typical possession and as a result we can capture whatever second we wish, whether it’s sad or […]