More About the Author "sweetthink"

Author Nick: sweetthink
Name: Nada youssef
About the Author: I am very much interested to do writing jobs. Because I have been doing these types of jobs for some of my regular customers on a DAILY BASIS. I write SEO friendly article, press release, website or blog content and complete e-book. I know how to optimize the KEYWORDS with proper keyword DENSITY, so that the keywords are MAXIMUM optimized and in the same time it is safe from keyword stuffing obligation by search engine. I am an expert writer. I write seo friendly article, website and blog content for almost ANY SUBJECT

Articles by sweetthink :

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Convert FLV files to DVD for far better Storage and Sharing

             The term format is utilised to denote the two a information file as its content. That is to prevent getting into any confusion. Flv format has, for some many years now become the default video playback format on a lot of websites like youtube, dailymotion, and so on. However, it really is evident that […]


If any person is asked, that is one of the most observed video format on the web, undoubtedly the answer will be FLV video. FLV stands for Flash Video, most use and recognized video format online. You know how people constantly upgrade their adobe flash player plug-in for their browser? Well, the same plug-in is […]

Edit MP4 and Much more

MP4 will be the brief form for MPEG-4, the successor of MPEG-2. MP4 file has gained recognition for mainly two factors. Range one particular, it might hold large video file within a tiny dimension video file without having losing the high quality which means its compression is very excellent. Quantity two, its usage by Apple […]

Modify files for simple video editing

   This article covers on the preparation of files for editing, and particularly mp4 editing. The MP4 format is really a container format, meaning it includes both audio and video. A file with this kind of extensions as; GMOs, AVI, WMV, MOV, MPG, tells you, therefore, that these files include two streams: video audio (eg […]

Play Your FLV files on your DVD Player via following few straightforward Steps

There are thousands of websites available on the internet that provides you with videos which are encoded in FLV video format. FLV files are exceedingly available on the internet because of its high compatibility with website structure and easy to play on the client side browser. FLV files are the key considerations for the web […]