More About the Author "switchedon"

Author Nick: switchedon
Name: Julie La
About the Author: hello there!

Articles by switchedon :

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Facebook’s privacy concerns

Every man and his dog seems to be on Facebook these days – apart from the guy in the corner who prides himself on being anti-social and never leaves the house without his tinfoil hat – but with the social networking site repeatedly falling foul of privacy laws and coming under criticism for implementing changes […]

Capturing movement

Shooting action and movement is a fun part of photography, and something that many photographers, from amateur to professional, find themselves doing on a regular basis. But it’s often hard to get a great shot when your subjects are moving at a rapid pace. However, blurriness, out of focus shots and bad lighting can be […]

Simple fixes for irksome wireless problems

Technology continues to improve and make our lives easier, but with each new advance comes another thing that can go wrong; the better the advance, the trickier the fix. Some problems occur seemingly out of the blue and are just downright annoying. Having your wireless connection drop out is one of those problems, particularly when […]

Protect Your Ears and Maintain Your Hearing

The mp3 player such as the iPod has become a must have accessory, yet the side effects of such technology can be detrimental. In 2009, the EU Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks said that listening to mp3 players at high volumes for long periods of time could cause a loss of […]

How Your Ears Affect Your Sense of Taste

Whether it is swimming in dirty water or having a cold, the ear infection is a common occurrence in children. Interestingly, an ear infection can affect your taste buds. Researchers from the University of New South Wales (UNSW) published their research in April in the Acta Paediatricia medical journal. They found that 10% of children […]