More About the Author "switchedon"

Author Nick: switchedon
Name: Julie La
About the Author: hello there!

Articles by switchedon :

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Caring For Your Horses in Winter Time

Winter brings with it the difficulty of cold temperatures, wet weather, and depending on where you live in Australia, even ice and snow. This can all prove challenging to many horse owners, so be sure to maintain a happy, healthy horse in the winter by following these winter care guidelines. -Make water readily available and […]

Tackling sports carnivals

Sports carnivals. You either love them or loathe them. They can be the highlight of the school year or a complete nightmare. But with a bit of forward thinking and preparation, carnivals can be a whole lot of fun. Get involved If you have the day off, participating in your child’s sports carnival can be […]

Staying sun safe at school

Australia has some of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world and as with all preventable diseases, the best cure is education. Sun safety begins at school, not just with lessons in the classroom but also in the playground. Ensuring your school is sun safe Students are at school when UV levels are […]

Cutting the cord – mobile broadband technology transforms the way we work and play

Think back, and I’m sure you can remember the days of dial-up tones and cable internet, of pages taking minutes to download and the impossibility of receiving e-mails on your work phone. Today, the situation is very different. It’s now possible to access fast and reliable mobile broadband speeds on our laptops, and it’s transforming […]

Cambodia – Still Recovering

Cambodia faces a number of social, economic and political development challenges. Many of these problems are global, but in light of 30 years of civil struggles – including a war and a genocide, many of the problems Cambodia faces are uniquely its own. Over four years, Pol Pot’s brutal Khmer Rouge regime decimated a generation […]