More About the Author "switchedon"

Author Nick: switchedon
Name: Julie La
About the Author: hello there!

Articles by switchedon :

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Innovative ways to move your company forward

If you want to compete with the best in the industry, you need to be innovative. While it’s a simple and effective option, there’s more to being innovative than just updating your office equipment. Staff form the backbone of every company, so it is worthwhile to attract and keep committed, hard-working staff. Also consider also […]

Become a Vendor Financer for Medical Equipment

The health system is in need of expanding to support both a growing and ageing population. The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) recently released a report, Hospital Statistics 2009-10 at a glance, which showed that compared to the last financial year, there has been an increase in the number of admissions to public […]

Time to Revamp

Slow computers, fading photocopier, unreliable fax machine? Is it time to finally move your company into the twenty-first century? For your business to truly keep up in today’s highly competitive market, it’s time to revamp and reap the benefits. And there’s no simpler or more secure way to do this than with lease finance. Upgrading […]

Share house solutions

Everyone’s been there. It’s time to move out for the first time. You have three forks, a collection of teaspoons lovingly donated by your grandma and your mum’s second hand toaster. Suddenly all the comforts of the family home seem far from reach. That bread maker that made the house smell amazing; the blender that […]

When buying is not the only option

Buying a new computer is not only a big investment – it’s a strategic decision. They have become more than an interface for word documents and files. Computers, along with our mobile phones, tablets and iPads, connect us with the world. They help us facilitate and create. Whether you’re a ‘creative’ using adobe suites or […]