More About the Author "switchedon"

Author Nick: switchedon
Name: Julie La
About the Author: hello there!

Articles by switchedon :

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What kind of manager should you be?

If you’ve recently been promoted to a management position, or have moved to a new company in a new role, you’ll probably be wondering how to best tackle the challenge of managing employees while getting your own work done. Especially if you don’t have much experience managing people, you’ll need a helping hand as to […]

Small tips to be more focused at work

Team emails, clanking plates from the staff kitchen, that guy three rows behind you who loves blasting the latest tunes through his computer speakers all day long – The office can sometimes seem like the most unproductive place to get work done, especially if you work in an open plan office with lots of other […]

Links between vision and hearing loss

They’re our two most important senses, so it’s worrying that as people age, their hearing and vision often deteriorate at the same time. Studies have shown that it’s because hearing and vision problems are linked by the same risk factors. Australian scientists in 2006 studied around 2,000 people with an average age of 70, and […]

Noise Pollution is not just Annoying

Loud lawnmowers in the morning, incessant city traffic, construction work, aeroplanes, school kids shouting, phones ringing in the office, Australian Idol – we’re constantly surrounded by never-ending irritating noises in today’s modern society, but a new study is proving that it’s more than just an annoyance when you’re trying to work, relax or get some […]

How to properly assess your ear issues

You ears are one of the most important organs in your body, but it’s sad and surprising how many people don’t realise how fragile and precious their hearing is. If you’re having issues with your ears lately, here’s a brief guide to give you some idea as to what you may be suffering from. That […]