More About the Author "switchedon"

Author Nick: switchedon
Name: Julie La
About the Author: hello there!

Articles by switchedon :

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Make way for the Tablet Revolution

This month, the world saw the release of the latest iPad 2, a brand new redesign of last year’s mobile computing phenomenon, the Apple iPad tablet. Since its introduction, the Apple iPad has sold over 15 million units over the course of just 9 months in 2010. Meanwhile, initial stocks of the iPad 2 sold […]

Mobile broadband brings change

By the year 2000 the internet was widely used, and significantly changed the way we carried out a number of daily functions. When mobile broadband internet emerged, it again brought significant changes by extending the scope of where we are able to use the internet and what we can do with it. Rather than connecting […]

Who is suited to mobile broadband?

When it comes to choosing your type of internet or broadband connection, there are a number of options to choose from. One of those options is a mobile/wireless broadband plan. Rather than connect to broadband via a phone line or cable, mobile broadband connections are wireless and allow you to connect to the internet on-the-go […]

This is your life (in cars)

As we go through life, one of the things that’s often always there for us is our car. Just like our clothing preferences and tastes in fashion change as we move throughout life, so too do our choices in vehicles, and nothing says more about a certain period in your life than the car you […]

Growth in Australian Tablet Market

Technology enthusiasts waited with bated breath for the iPad 2 to be released in early 2011. And while it’s taken a little while for the anticipated tablet to hit Australian shores, it’s still managed to make ripples within the Australian tablet market and inspire some research and projections for how Australians use – and will […]