More About the Author "switchedon"

Author Nick: switchedon
Name: Julie La
About the Author: hello there!

Articles by switchedon :

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Weddings Don’t Have to Be the Most Expensive Day of Your Life

Ever since you were read fairy tales as a little girl, you have dreamed of Mr. Right. As luck would have it, he has arrived, swept you off your feet and just got down on one knee to ask you that one question you have waited to hear your entire life. Congratulations! You are engaged! […]

Ergonomic Work Stations – how are you set up?

When it comes to today’s computers, it’s all about smaller, lighter and more portable. With mobile phone and tablet technology now capable of handling most of our day to day internet tasks, the traditional work station setup is quickly changing. However, while it’s certainly convenient to replace the bulky desktop with a slick and streamlined […]

Great hi-tech conveniences to be thankful for!

As our lives become more hi-tech and wired, it’s easy to think of great digital solutions to most of our day to day problems. Lost in a new suburb? Forget asking for directions just pull up Google Maps on your phone. Looking for a new fitness regime? The traditional ideas of going for a run […]

The New Thunderbolt port – data at its fastest

Remember the old floppy disks? At the height of their use, they allowed you to store just 1.44 MB of data. Meanwhile, computers used to have just a mere 8 MB of memory and that seemed like a lot! These days, a simple PowerPoint can take up to 16 MB of space on its own. […]

Time for change – no more violence against women

It’s the 21st century, but violence against women is still one of the biggest issues facing the global female population. Women’s rights have progressed leaps and bounds over the past century, but violence against women still impinges on the success, quality of life, choices, education and sexuality of women around the world. Many human rights […]