More About the Author "switchedon"

Author Nick: switchedon
Name: Julie La
About the Author: hello there!

Articles by switchedon :

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Leasing Roles – understanding your obligations

These days, your commercial and personal financing options aren’t limited to bank loans. For many small businesses, there are a number of other finance providers out there that can help with getting the equipment they need. Meanwhile, some businesses, especially suppliers, may want to look into offering their own financing to their customers in the […]

Replacing your white goods

There comes a time in everyone’s life when it’s time to say goodbye to our trusty white goods. They may break down, stop working as well as they did, start costing us too much money, or just look plain ugly in our new apartment. White goods are an important part of any home. They are […]

Furnishing your new home without going overboard

Whether you’ve just moved out, just moved in with your partner, or just moved to a larger home, kitting out your pad can seem like a daunting task, especially if you haven’t brought much with you to begin with. While it’s tempting to head straight to IKEA with 20-page-long shopping list, this may get expensive […]

Learn From the Pros

Talks and information sessions to help you learn from the Masters Events and talks with professional photographers are happening all the time – what can you learn? Sydney Community College Sydney Community College regularly holds talks and information nights with prominent Australian and international photographers who share their insights into professional photography, their stories and […]

P is for Passion – and Photography

Throughout life, people have many different passions, hobbies and interests. These can change every month, or even every day, but some people have found a way to combine their greatest passions with their love for photos. One has to look no further than the abundance of food blogs, often full of food photography, to realise […]