More About the Author "switchedon"

Author Nick: switchedon
Name: Julie La
About the Author: hello there!

Articles by switchedon :

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Learning how to lead

There are political figureheads, business people, activists and even celebrities who will go down in history as renowned leaders. Martin Luther King, Oprah Winfrey, Mahatma Ghandi and Mother Theresa are all names that are synonymous with powerful leaders. But leadership does not have to be grand, nor does it have to be an innate quality […]

Organise to get Organised

You may not think that a tidy filing cabinet could get help you get a huge promotion, but it’s not just about having tidy desk drawers. Getting organised both physically and mentally is an essential part of ensuring that you can carry out your tasks happily and productively at work. Feeling organised at work will […]

Improve your writing skills

In today’s business world there is no substitute for good writing. How effectively you communicate your brand, and the quality of your written communication with customers or clients, will have a direct impact on the success of your business. Regardless of what industry you are in, improving your writing skills is a worthwhile investment. As […]

I want that job! – Promotion Prep

You’ve had meeting with your boss. A promotion is on the cards for you. You can practically smell the new wood of the huge desk that awaits you in your huge, harbour-facing office… Before you get carried away with the excitement of a new job, there are some practical considerations to make when moving a […]

Making a good impression on phone interviews

Phone interviews have become an increasingly popular choice in the job screening and interview process. Phone interviews are largely used to screen job candidates and decide on which potential applicants will progress to the face-to-face interview. Phone interviews are also an integral part of the hiring process for employers looking at international candidates, and employees […]