More About the Author "switchedon"

Author Nick: switchedon
Name: Julie La
About the Author: hello there!

Articles by switchedon :

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Living in Australia as an international employee

Australia is an alluring country. With the prospect of fair weather, beautiful landscapes and a laidback lifestyle, many international employees seek out jobs or a stint working on this antipodean island – and a number of them never leave. Amongst those foreign workers are lawyers, with the Australian legal industry receptive to international candidates. So […]

Tips for your online legal job search

The online world has transformed the employment landscape and the job search process. If you’ve been in the same job for a while, or are new to the online world of job hunting, then here are a few tips and suggestions for making the most of the tools and job opportunities available. There are a […]

How to be the most desirable job candidate

The legal job market is competitive. By nature, most lawyers are ambitious and want to be at the top of their field. But with strict qualifications that all lawyers must meet, it can be hard to stand out from the crowd purely through academics. Rather, it’s a lawyer’s experience, personality and motivation that is likely […]

What is LinkedIn and how can it help my career?

Have you received a LinkedIn invitation from a past colleague? Or had someone ask you if they can find you on LinkedIn? If you’re new to social networking sites, you might be wondering what online networks such as LinkedIn do, how they work, and how they can influence your career and professional life. LinkedIn is […]

First impressions count

The age old idiom is true – first impressions DO count. When it comes to your legal career, no matter how good your experience and qualifications are, if you don’t make a good first impression on the legal firm or company you are interested in working for you are less likely to pique the interest […]