More About the Author "switchedon"

Author Nick: switchedon
Name: Julie La
About the Author: hello there!

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What to do after your legal job interview

When you leave a legal job interview, you may sigh with relief. But even though the interview is over, the job search process is not. There is lots of conflicting advice on post-interview protocol, but here are some suggestions to ensure that the employer knows that you are interested and that you are the best […]

Negotiating your salary

Many people don’t like talking about money. But when it comes to your career and settling on your salary, it’s essential that your pay reflects your skills, experience and worth. Confidence is essential in effectively negotiating a pay package and work conditions that reflect your skills, worth and lifestyle requirements. If you’re interviewing for a […]

Hearing Loss? Who Nose?

As ongoing research reveals more about the causes and effects of hearing loss, the good news is that more effective treatments can be developed and implemented to better help those who struggle daily as a result of their hearing problems. The newest development in research on hearing problems has revealed that the nose may have […]

Importance of your hearing to other areas of health and wellbeing

Being able to hear is an important thing, and many people take their hearing for granted. Many also don’t realise how much of an impact hearing loss can have on other areas of their lives, health and wellbeing, and unfortunately they may not take adequate steps to protect their ears. Here are some serious health […]

Favourite Cartoon Horses in Popular Culture

Throughout history, horses have always been the ultimate sidekick – they’re the transport, companion and all-round best buddy of the hero. But horses haven’t just been a favourite in Western or cowboy movies. They have also been featured prominently in some of the most popular children’s animations and cartoons throughout the decades, all different in […]