More About the Author "switchedon"

Author Nick: switchedon
Name: Julie La
About the Author: hello there!

Articles by switchedon :

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iPad 2.0 – what’s to come

The iPad has been yet another smashing hit for Apple; first launched in early April 2010, the iPad has gone on to sell almost 15 million units in just less than 10 months. Reviews came out largely positive for the new Apple product, with many tech sites and online forums raving about the familiar user […]

Your questions about child sponsorship answered

Child sponsorship is one avenue through which those living in the Western world can make an impact in the impoverished and disadvantaged lives of children in developing countries. As a form of charity, however, child sponsorship has come under some criticism, in terms of where the sponsorship money goes and the circumstances under which it […]

The realities of a Ugandan childhood

They say that to understand a person you must walk in their shoes. But can you really understand someone’s life if they live on the other side of the world, and in completely different circumstances? This sense of distance and unfamiliarity between those in the developed and developing world can make it difficult to really […]

March in Sydney

Summer might be winding up and the weather cooling down, but there are plenty of things going on in March in Sydney. It’s a great time to explore the city with a range of activities and events to choose from. Make the most of March in Sydney – here’s a guide to what’s on. – […]

Get access to financing – Dos and Don’ts

Breaking out on your own and starting your own business is something that many of us dream of doing. Of course, when you get past the name of the company and what your business cards will look like, the actual execution of your business plan can be a bit more challenging to new business operators. […]