More About the Author "switchedon"

Author Nick: switchedon
Name: Julie La
About the Author: hello there!

Articles by switchedon :

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Legal recruitment is changing

As more lawyers and law firms embrace the online world and the growing presence and influence of digital marketing and social media, legal recruitment processes are also changing. While law firms traditionally sourced employees internally or through recruiters and headhunters, this has begun to shift. With more and more law firms creating an online presence […]

What type of legal environment do I suit?

Once you’ve decided on what area of law you want to work in, it’s then time to decide on what type of legal environment you’d like to work in. Making this decision requires you to think about what you want your career trajectory to be, what type of working environment you would like to work […]

Hearing Loss amongst members of the Armed Forces – what is being done?

A long-known about problem The risk of hearing loss amongst troops in the army and special forces has been well-known for decades. As early as 1960, a paper was written by H. Johansen entitled ‘Protection against noise-induced hearing loss in the Danish armed forces.’ Gun training, loud machinery and common combat situations can all pose […]

Hearing Loss Treatments – what modern research is revealing about our ears

Hearing loss causes a severe impact to the lives of many adults and children who are diagnosed every year. But with continued scientific research, there are a range of new developments, technologies and therapies to help make life a little easier for those who have hearing problems. Genetic Treatments Recently, scientists in Germany and England […]

Head Candy – New breeds of headphones look awesome AND help save your hearing

It’s official – hearing loss is on the rise, and many experts are blaming modern technology for much of our hearing woes. Traffic, electronic games, and especially music players and too-loud headphones have been garnering most of the attention. When listening to music in situations where there is a lot of background noise (such as […]