More About the Author "switchedon"

Author Nick: switchedon
Name: Julie La
About the Author: hello there!

Articles by switchedon :

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Hair removal for men

Although grooming and, well, taking pride in one’s appearance is generally considered to be a feminine quality, a new market is appearing with an increasing number of male clients getting in on the act by opting for laser hair removal. Gone are the days of the hairy man, replaced by his metrosexual counterpart. Hairy shoulders, […]

Furnishing Your New Office

Setting up a new office can be a costly and timely exercise. However, like everything in life, if you create a budget and make sure you know exactly what you want in your new surroundings, you can get things done a lot more efficiently. Make sure to take into account your staff levels (both current […]

Adding microdermabrasion to your repertoire

It’s said that “you’re as young as you feel” but if the first thing someone sees in the morning is a wrinkled, saggy face staring back from the mirror, it’s hard to feel like they’re in their prime. While this may have been the sign of irreversible aging in years gone by, now someone can […]

Staying in the Black: Preparing for Changing Financial Times

If there’s one word which describes our current economic state, it’s uncertainty. No-one seems to know whether we’re out of the bad patch or on the brink of Global Financial Crisis Part 2, and with so much volatility in the money and job markets things are bound to get interesting regardless of who’s right. So […]

When point A to point B isn’t enough

You’ve had a hatchback all your life. It’s ticked all the boxes. It brings the shopping home from the grocery store and gets you to and from work. But what happens when you decide you want to throw it all in for a while, get in the car and drive? The trusty hatchback probably won’t […]