More About the Author "switchedon"

Author Nick: switchedon
Name: Julie La
About the Author: hello there!

Articles by switchedon :

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Must-have Technology for your Business

We live in a world where business and leisure fall increasingly into the domain of hi-tech pursuits. Like it or loathe it, keeping up with the latest technology and gadgets is pretty important for how you do business – not only can it boost your productivity and improve response time to opportunities or threats, it […]

Do you need broadband with your new iPad 2?

It’s pretty fair to say that Apple’s iPad changed the way we think about portable computing and mobile internet, defying the naysayers to not only sell in mind-boggling numbers but also spawn a whole culture of developers, hackers and fans. It may have been called the love-child of a laptop and a smartphone – and […]

What is it about Top Gear?

Top Gear is one of the most watched television programs in the world with an estimated global audience of 350 million people. It has been running since 1977 and has won BAFTA and Emmy awards. So why does a program about cars appeal to so many people around the globe? Presenters The relationship between the […]

Artist’s enclave

Melbourne is often labeled the most ‘artistic’ and cultural of all the state and territory capitals. But Sydney gives it a good run for its money. While natural features like the harbour and beaches dominate the Sydney ‘snapshots’, it’s also a home to just as many galleries as its southern sister. If you want a […]

Making it in the medical industry

With more and more doctors opting to work as part of a medical centre team, stand alone medical practices and practitioners need to stand out in order to compete with this increase in medical centres. There is no better way to do this than by providing your patients with access to the latest medical equipment […]