More About the Author "tcruze"

Author Nick: tcruze
Name: Trey Cruze
About the Author: I am a writer who specializes in writing articles on new devices and technology.

Articles by tcruze :

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Have Your Fill of the Latest iPhone 5 Reports

The first smartphone ever unveiled by iPhone was released in the market in 2007. Since then, five generations of the mobile phone have already been launched, with the iPhone 4S being the latest inception. A particular feature of the iPhone 5 which has become a big hit to consumers is the Siri voice app. When […]

Nokia Lumia 800 – the new Windows OS phone

In the past Nokia only used the Symbian platform to make their smart phones. The Lumia 800 is the new Nokia line, which uses the Windows Phone 7 operating system instead of the traditional Symbian. This phone has many new features and characteristics it is a lot different from the Symbian Nokia smart phones we […]