More About the Author "terrasolutions"

Author Nick: terrasolutions
Name: Terra Solutions
About the Author: Terra Solutions is a leading trenchless civil engineering contractor specilaising in Pipe Jacking & Tunnelling

Articles by terrasolutions :

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Thrust Boring Equipments for your Construction Needs

As a form of tunnelling operated globally, thrust boring is a very effective modern method of excavating underground tunnels and installing pipes for the delivery of services such as water, sewage, telecommunications and electric cables. Thrust boring is an automated system using digitally controlled cutting heads to tunnel through difficult underground conditions mitigating any danger […]

Tunnel Design Trenchless Solutions

Tunnel design can vary greatly depending on the context or circumstances. When children are playing in the sand either on a sandy beach or in a sandpit in the back garden they invariably create interesting tunnel design. They love to dig tunnels of all shapes and sizes but one of the best ideas is a […]

Box Jacking Trenchless Technology

Box jacking is a well-established means of engineering culverts or tunnels under rail embankments  or waterways to accommodate road or rail traffic. It is a way of overcoming or circumventing geophysical impediments in order to build road or rail networks. Many tunnels of note around the world have been built using the box jacking process […]

Underground Construction with Trenchless Technology

Nowadays there is so much Underground Construction going on. Everywhere you go Underground Construction seems to be taking place. To the pedestrian it can cause a lot of inconvenience having to move around the barriers that are put into place. Underground Construction needs to take place in order to develop and move things forward. In […]

Shaft Sinking Trenchless Technology

As there is huge increase in global economic level, the need of additional power supply is required today. Shaftsinking is also called as shaft mining, which is used to excavate a vertical or non vertical tunnel from top drown. It is very important to provide the electricity generation sources, which even operates in peak period. […]