More About the Author "terrasolutions"

Author Nick: terrasolutions
Name: Terra Solutions
About the Author: Terra Solutions is a leading trenchless civil engineering contractor specilaising in Pipe Jacking & Tunnelling

Articles by terrasolutions :

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Auger Boring Trenchless Technology and Equipment

I witnessed something on the golf course that created so much interest that many golfers took a break from their game to watch the proceedings. In order to provide floodlighting at a certain Tee Electric cables had to be installed across a fairway. Of course this presented what appeared to be an insurmountable problem for […]

Tunnelling-The Best Solution for Your Construction Needs

It is amazing how many times during our travels that different sites and scenes bring the whole concept of tunnelling to mind. Some of the countryside scenes have more to do with animals than with man’s endeavours. Experiences of camping in France always seem to reflect the incident of Mr mole busily tunnelling under our […]

Directional Drilling Trenchless Technology and Equipment

Directional drilling has been around as a concept and practice for many years, however it is only quite recently that it has developed into a sophisticated tunnelling system that integrates the cutting head with an electronic sonde or guidance transmitter. This promotes adaptability to different ground conditions by performing either dry face drilling or combining […]

Choose the best company in UK for Directional drilling

It was only recently we discovered that our telephone lines were not operating. To our annoyance we were told by BT that the mains line from the public highway had somehow become disconnected. There were two solutions to this problem, one was to reinstate the underground cable by digging a new track from the mains […]

Microtunnelling-The Best Solution For Your Digging Needs

Microtunnellng was developed by the Japanese company in the early 1970’s to replace open sewers. Installation of small pipelines into accurate line and level using miniature tunnel boring machines, which is controlled by remote, is called as Microtunnelling and is also mechanized version of pipe jacking. Digging of small tunnels, using microtunnel boring machine is […]