More About the Author "terrasolutions"

Author Nick: terrasolutions
Name: Terra Solutions
About the Author: Terra Solutions is a leading trenchless civil engineering contractor specilaising in Pipe Jacking & Tunnelling

Articles by terrasolutions :

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Auger Boring Trenchless Technology

A short history of Auger Boring informs us that it has evolved over a period of eighty years. We learn that horizontal Auger Boring began its existence in the coal mining industry in the 1930s. The first marketable Auger Boring Machine (ABM) was manufactured in 1941 by Kandal Motors and modified over time to meeting […]

Directional Drilling Trenchless Technology

Thanks to the developed technology of ‘Directional Drilling’ the days are gone when the only way to install new underground water, cable and an electric line in urban areas is dig up the asphalt. Directional Drilling now better known as horizontal directional drilling is a trench-less technology that enables pipe installation under roads, waterways, wetlands, […]

Pipe Jacking Boring Systems for Trenchless Work

We take everything for granted in terms of convenient living, especially those living in the cities. Our tap water is on hand as is our telephone lines and Internet access. Our electricity is available at the turn of a switch and our sewerage disposal is taken care of by our local authorities. All these services […]

Pipe Jacking Techniques Used To Create Tunnels

The train appeared from the tunnel mouth as if by theatrical pyrotechnics or ‘de us ex machina’. A wondrous vision instilling awe and humility at the technological achievements of man shaped by the hand of God. Tunnelling and pipe jacking have been wonderful inventions enabling travel through places previously inaccessible. The emergence of the multi […]