More About the Author "terryrlittrell"

Author Nick: terryrlittrell
Name: terry littrell
About the Author: Semaphore has deep understanding of software development services and has industries best talent pool to give quality software development outsourcing services.

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Know Joomla Extensions better

At present, serves 8062 extensions, some of which may be duplicates, i.e. if you are looking for a blogging system and go to the blog category and search for it, you will probably find many codes. Hence, how would you come to know which is the right pick? Perhaps, you can narrow down your […]

Five most useful Joomla 1.6 Extensions

Joomla, one of the world’s most popular development platform for CMS is available to both developers and non-technical users. HTML coding has almost turned obsolete in comparison to this robust tool. The credit goes to all the web developers out there for developing some of the most useful more than 8000 of free Joomla Extensions […]

Joomla Extensions embellish your Online experience

Images are what make a website worthwhile! If bundle of images are necessary for a website then an effective code is also needed. The internet has eased the job of website designing today. With the assistance and help of an open source platform, website development has become an easy task for non-programmers as well. Apparently, […]

Advantages of Symfony Framework

Wide array of web PHP frameworks are available in the market today, which help developers in developing applications and systems faster than ever before! Most developers however do not like the use of frameworks, maybe because of their ignorance of the many benefits that they provide. Hence, following are some of the benefits of Symfony […]