More About the Author "theadventure"

Author Nick: theadventure
Name: Shon BenJava
About the Author: Uberman sleep

Articles by theadventure :

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Learn the art of sleeping in installments

The world around is wonderful. It is full of amazing things that you get to see and know about by exploring it. A life made of busy office or business schedule with breakfast, lunch and dinner at breaks bring home money but kills all excitements and thrills. To give you life some splashes of excitement, […]

Learn how to sleep well in installments

Do you know how to sleep well without lying on the bed for seven to eight hours at a stretch? If not, then you surely haven’t heard of uberman schedule or uberman sleeping schedule. Though sleeping to common people means a long and uninterrupted process of rest that they take every night, there are several […]

Take short naps to save time

Sleep is a necessity for every person but majority of people take it as a luxury and waste a big chunk of time of the day. Late risers find it very difficult to reach office or workplace within time just because of this wastage and suffer its ill effect throughout the day. Students find difficulty […]

Learn how to sleep properly without killing much time

Sleeping for long is a very common bad habit of people across the world. Late risers are never satisfied with their long sleeping session and feel like going for an extension. It is not an offence actually since the duration for recovery from fatigue varies from individual to individual. Some people feel fresh even by […]

Learn the art of sleeping for two hours in a day

Sleeping is an indispensable part of everybody’s life. The day ends with going to bed and closing the eyelids. Sleeping for six to eight hours is our normal practice but sometimes, getting a scope to sleep at a stretch becomes difficult. When you are on an expedition or trekking trip you just can’t think about […]