More About the Author "theorytest"

Author Nick: theorytest
Name: john graham
About the Author: John Graham is involved with in writing useful driving test tips, driving test books, driving theory test questions etc for years. you can get online theory test preparation material online here

Articles by theorytest :

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How to pass driving theory test With Software?

The U.K. Driving test is all related to ensure that people who pass theory test are more established and secure in the introductory skills of driving. Theory test is passed with the assistance of theory test computer software available in the area. Its quickly and completely accessible and is very much useful to drivers. This […]

Tips for Driving Test and Driving Test Preparation

If you are a learner, being taught by a Professional driving instructor is quite important. Today many family members or friends help the learner driver and they have this view that “I can do what a professional instructor can. But the fact is that many professional drivers have bad driving habits. For example: a large […]

How can you pass your driving theory test first time?

Passing a driving test on the first time is not an easy mission. You are put under a big pressure to pass, and a failure can get you down for the next time. Also, only about 50% of driving students pass their test on the first time. It seems like parallel parking is the thing […]

Preparing for DSA driving theory test, mock test and hazard perception test

The theory test cosist of two parts. The first part is a computerized touch screen test in which you have to select the correct answer from multiple choice question. The second part is hazard perception test. You will be shown a set of driving hazards video clips and you have to click the mouse button […]

The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents has given few guidelines on how to minimise the accident risks while driving in winter In order to minimise accident risk, drivers need to fully adapt their driving to the different conditions. Extremes of temperature (even those experienced in the UK) will soon show up any deficiencies […]