More About the Author "theorytest"

Author Nick: theorytest
Name: john graham
About the Author: John Graham is involved with in writing useful driving test tips, driving test books, driving theory test questions etc for years. you can get online theory test preparation material online here

Articles by theorytest :

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Driving in winter – what you should know?

The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents has given few guidelines on how to minimise the accident risks while driving in winter In order to minimise accident risk, drivers need to fully adapt their driving to the different conditions. Extremes of temperature (even those experienced in the UK) will soon show up any deficiencies […]

How to book driving theory test appointment

Theory test appointments can be booked, and subject to three clear working days notice, be changed and cancelled using the online booking service or the telephone. You can also download an application form and apply by post. Before you can take your theory test you will need to make sure you have a valid provisional […]

Tips to pass hazard perception test

Hazard perception test is an interactive practice session in the driving theory test featuring hazard perception clips to identify the developing potential hazards. Why the hazard perception test element was introduced? The government is committed to reducing the numbers killed and seriously injured on Britain’s roads by 40 per cent by 2010. The hazard perception […]

How to practice driving theory test

What is the UK driving theory test? The UK driving theory test was introduced in July 1996 as a written examination and updated to a computer based test in 2000. The test is conducted by the DSA (Driving Standards Agency). Everyone who wants to have a full UK license has to clear the theory test […]

Tips for Dell Inspiron 1525 Li-ion Laptop Battery

Most of the laptop buyers don’t have any idea of the technology included on getting the more Life out of their Dell Inspiron 1525 Battery pack. Compare to all Laptop batteries; we should provide care when those are unused. Don’t place the Li-ion laptop battery adjacent to chemicals or in the wet area that will […]