More About the Author "theresanorman"

Author Nick: theresanorman

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Foreign Policy Of Eisenhower’s Administration

Eisenhower took the office in 1953, when Korean War finally ended. The expenses of it were too high for the United States, and there was a need to support national economy while at the same time maintaining military power. The Cold War was in progress, and Truman’s policy of containment was still in force.

Popular Culture And High Culture Collide

The debate between low culture and high culture is not new in literature. For years, authors and poets were trying to change mass consciousness and thinking in a way, which would distance the public from the by-products of mass culture and would drive them closer to the benefits of higher aesthetics.

Cigarette Smoking, If We Breath, We Smoke

Cigarette smoking is one of the acts that pose an extremely serious health risk on the part of the smoker. Irrespective of the fact that many people tends to view smoking in terms of the actual smoking, the act itself involves puffing the cigarette (tobacco) smoke and then releasing it into the air.

Gilgamesh And Odysseus

Both Gilgamesh and Odysseus are epic heroes whose deeds have inspired millions of people throughout history. But not all heroes are created equal. In both the Odyssey and the Iliad, Homer paints a much more vivid picture of the ingenious Odysseus. His exploits are much more significant than those of Gilgamesh

Boom Bust Nature Of The Construction Industry

Right from the very beginning, construction has been a form of activity that has had a very close relationship with man. During those ancient times man constructed thatched huts and other forms of makeshift shelter from wood and other naturally occurring materials. However, nowadays the construction industry happens to be a far more complex entity