More About the Author "theteehivetshirts"

Author Nick: theteehivetshirts
Name: Jerad Clough

Articles by theteehivetshirts :

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Your T shirt and Your Workplace

The rise of the corporate culture in the recent years has resulted in a drastic change in the work environment and work etiquettes. Great emphasis was laid on proper dresses and formal clothing. But for how long could people actually adhere to such norms? No doubt the Wall Street guy would look really good and […]

Personalized T shirts- Make your own Statement

Today is the age of personalization. Even when the US President visited the queen, he gifted the royal lady with a personalized iPod. Everyone wants everything as they like it. 21st century is the age of personalization, so why should clothes remain behind? The technology today has reached such a stage when it allows us […]