More About the Author "thinktankmukesh"

Author Nick: thinktankmukesh
Name: mukeshji kumarji
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Articles by thinktankmukesh :

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Stats To Explore Top MBA Education

Now days the most demanding field in education is the Master of business administration. MBA education has ranged in top ten master courses in current year. About 60% of students are interested in the MBA degrees after their graduations now days. The study of Business Administration teaches you about the basics of management skills. It […]

Why Students Face High Fees of Higher Education

According to data from the Ministry of Education, University and Research, enrollment in degree courses in the academic year 2009-2010 decreased by 2.39% over the previous year. It is assumed that the choice to terminate the studies of children is caused by the economic crisis and the difficulty of families to meet the costs that […]

2012 Calendar With Varied Styles

During this period, is a hive of calendars different animals and pretty soft, dreamy views, women dressed more or less, there is also the timing of the postmen and the unemployed, but maybe the category of Swiss farmers is attracting many interests especially by the women. We’re not talking about the image of the farmer […]

Capture Your Smartness With Bookmarking

Book marking is becoming one of the most popular ramps all over the web. It is one of the most popular aspects of what we know as web 2.0. Additionally, social book marking is becoming a crucial part of any business for its online present and is a medium of traffic for your site that […]

2012 Calendar That becomes Life’s Traditions

We are the change of the year, despite the technology with calendars or PDAs, for many it is nice to have in your home or office a calendar to see, browse, and maybe to make a note of some event or some special occasion. There are calendars that have become part of a house, a […]