More About the Author "timclark"

Author Nick: timclark
Name: Tim Clark
About the Author: The author is a broadcast professional who has used monitor mounts both at home and in the office. A monitor stand can really help you be more productive at work.

Articles by timclark :

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Monitor Mounts and their Advantages

A growing number of offices these days are finding out more about ergonomically designed monitor mounts and monitor stands. Such items have provided a lot of different benefits to offices all over the world, and have subtly changed how they handle their operations daily. Although the use of monitor mounts may not seem like a […]

Superior LCD Monitor Stand Options for Different Markets

The needs of various industries should be met with creativity and innovation. Indeed, technology is so essential nowadays that our world is unimaginable without it. It would be very difficult for people to find an office in this age without even a single computer system with a monitor. To add to that, people are now […]

Work Made Easier with Quality Monitor Mounts

Because of technology, work spaces today are much more complicated. Before the rise of computer technology, the desk was the only thing necessary to mount a typewriter, calculator, paper, and pens. However, the computer has changed all of that. Of course, the keyboard and the monitor still need a desk but there are some jobs […]