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Church Candles – An Important Part of Religious Ceremonies

Church candles are one of the more important things that are used in church ceremonies and the Church religion. They are usually taken to represent many things about the Christian faith. For example, the Catholics hold the candle as representative of the body of Jesus Christ. In most Christian baptisms, the candle is taken to […]

The Significance of Communion Cups

For the ordinary layman hearing about communion cups, the first thing that comes to mind is Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Popular culture has depicted some of the most significant religious artifacts in a very unorthodox manner, but the good thing is that it helps ordinary people to get acquainted with these religious items. […]

Knowing the Significance of a Communion Plate

Most believers hold the first communion as important; of course, equally important would be all the paraphernalia that it has, including the dresses, the gifts, the communion plate and other things. More often than not, children today go through their first communion at the age of seven or eight. This is actually a special moment […]

Knowing Why Communion Sets are Important

Most individuals don’t give much thought about the importance of Communion sets in today’s world. For Christian churches, these are important items since they are used to share as well as represent the love and body of Christ. Even though the event of a Communion is important, there are still some people who are not […]

On the Hunt for Discount Bibles

Churches require Bibles in large quantities, hence, they are always looking to buy discount bibles. The Bible is an important and integral part of the Christian faith. Its teachings and stories remain a core part of our belief. The Bible is actually a compilation of 66 separate books from over 40 authors. They were written […]