More About the Author "tomhenrry"

Author Nick: tomhenrry
Name: tomhenrry henrry
About the Author: anadrol steroid, anabolic enhancement

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The COEUR Model: Facilitating Transformation By Martha Lasley

It takes a lot of heart and fierceness to facilitate groups that seek social change. At the root of the French word coeur (heart) is the word courage. It takes courage to sit in the fire with people as they uncover their passion and rage, and rise out of the ashes to co-create a better […]

Tell me What You Really Feel: Coaching for Aliveness by Martha Lasley

How do we build awareness of emotions and feelings? Many people are alienated or cut off from their emotional state and struggle to identify their internal reactions. If asked what they’re feeling, they identify their thoughts. Starting a sentence with these words invariably means the speaker is sharing his thinking, not what he is feeling: […]

SWOT Analysis as Inspiration: Coaching the Big Picture

A SWOT analysis is a common business tool for scanning the environment and informing strategic planning. You can use it to evaluate the organization and you can also use it with individuals. The traditional SWOT analysis looks at strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Instead of looking at weaknesses, you can focus on wishes. Based on […]

Social Sector Leaders Need Oxygen by Martha Lasley

Leaders in the social sector feel as though they are climbing Everest with no oxygen, no rest stops, and no base camp. Coaches and facilitators who support the social sector need to understand the unique challenges that leaders face. Leading in the social sector takes gutsy compassion, and a different skill set than what’s needed […]

Seven Steps for Leading the People-Side of Change By Martha Lasley

1. Assess Readiness for Change Take the long view and explore the relevant history of change for the group, culture, or organization. Find out what made past changes successful and look for evidence that the organization can handle more change.If necessary, develop additional capacity for change. 2. Build a Case for Change Discover the urgent […]