More About the Author "TonyMcGuiagano"

Author Nick: TonyMcGuiagano

Articles by TonyMcGuiagano :

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Japanese Bonsai Tree: All About The Japanese Bonsai Tree

The Japanese bonsai tree dates back many centuries. Bonsai, literally translated as “tree in a tray”, is an art involving miniaturizing tiny woody plants that are fashioned into tree form. The art of bonsai comprises of cutting, trimming, shaping, watering, and re-potting in different types of ‘bons’, or tray-type pots. The Japanese bonsai tree is […]

3 Reasons Why Learn Spanish CDs Are The Best Way To Learn Spanish

Hola! You are reading this article now because you are interested in learning the Spanish language. How should you go about learning Spanish though? Should you get a teacher? Or should you just use learn Spanish CDs? There are many methods that you can use to learn the language. However, to be quite honest, I […]

Miracle Fruit Berries – The Fruit That Makes Sour Foods Taste Sweet!

Miracle fruit berries, known as Synsepalum dulcificum, come from a slow growing plant that contains an active glycoprotein molecule called polyphenol with some trailing carbohydrate chains, called miraculin. The plant originated from the Tropical West Africa. When left grown in its natural habitat, it reaches up to 20 feet high. Once cultivated, it usually grows […]

Impounded Car Auction – How To Find An Impounded Car Auction Near You

An impounded car auction can be one of the best places to buy a used car. Everything from a classic 1960s cruiser to a like-new convertible sports car can be found at an impounded car auction. Sometimes you may even find the occasional foreign car. Now before we go into where you can find an […]

Hydrogen Fueled Car – And How To Turn Your Car Into A Hydrogen Fueled Car

With the current condition of the economy and gas prices at an all-time high, many folks are looking for different ways to save some money. Some are dropping cable TV, while others may be cutting back on dining out at restaurants. Many people, though, are researching the benefits of driving a hydrogen fueled car to […]