More About the Author "troyduff281"

Author Nick: troyduff281
Name: troy duff

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Table Tent Design Tips

Table tents are unique promotional tools. Use it right and it can help you increase the sales of your business. However, you must remember that to in order to make your table tent marketing efforts effective, it is important to come up with a good design – meaning, eye-catching and compelling. In designing your table […]

Writing a Fundraising Letter

In addition to mounting a successful fundraising event so you can get funds for your very charitable cause, one of the most crucial elements in the whole process is the fundraising letter. And how to write a very good one that can gain you sponsors and benefactors for your fundraiser can be a daunting task. […]

Fundraising Idea: Go Back To Basics

Raising funds for a very charitable cause can be most rewarding especially if you get the results you want. But mind you, it can also be one daunting and challenging task, not to mention expensive, especially if you’re marketing without the help of printing discounts such as that of printplace coupons. Indeed, fundraising is complicated […]

Ways to Save on Your Ink Cartridges

What if printing discounts such as that of printplace coupons are not enough anymore to provide you with big savings when it comes to printing your marketing materials such as that of your flyers, posters, stickers, and even newsletters? What alternatives can you think of to help you save on your printing costs? One option […]

Get Your Ink Cartridges and Save Money, Too!

You may find that printing your marketing materials via a reputable printing company can be so expensive that it eats up much of your budget. So when you feel that you don’t have a choice and there are no decent printing discounts to be had whether online or offline (just like that offered in printplace […]