More About the Author "veebelt375"

Author Nick: veebelt375
Name: xiaoqiang pan
About the Author: vee belt

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Raw edge cogged v-belt, which are also known as toothed, notch or cog, are positive transfer belt and can track relative movement. These belts have teeth that fit into a matching toothed pulley. When correctly tensioned, they have no slippage, run at constant speed, and are often used to transfer direct motion for indexing or […]

Other flat belt

There are many types and sizes of commercial industrial flat belt on the market today including A,AX,B and BX size v-belts. A and B size v-belts have a smooth inside edge unlike AX and BX size v-belts that have a cogged or notched inside edge more commonly used in high torque situations. If you are […]

The Press brake

Other than bending metals, another common fabricating process is cutting or hydraulic shearing machine using the shears. The advantages of the shears are its ability to cut flat metal sheets in a straight line and its flexibility in making relatively small cuts. This is made possible because the blades of the shears can be mounted […]

the new hydraulic press brake

Old mechanical bender is made of iron while the new hydraulic press brake is made of 100% steel. Due to hardness of steel, so, the structure is much more firm. It also eliminates built-in stress, under this situation, the machine can use longer time. New press brake uses two oil cylinders to control the upper […]

Flat belt

Flat belt is the most common type. In the form of leather belting, it served as the basic belt drive from the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. They can transmit large amounts of power at high speeds. Flat belts find their widest application where high-speed motion, rather than power, is the main concern. They are […]