More About the Author "Vanessa"

Author Nick: venessapotter
Name: Vanessa Potter
About the Author: Travel, natural

Articles by Vanessa :

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Love your lungs and breathe for life

Lung disease is a condition or disease in which the lung function is impaired. Without lungs, humans will not be able to breathe correctly. Our lungs open the doors to life as they provide us with oxygen and remove the carbon dioxide from our bodies. Our lungs are constantly in contact with the outside air […]

What is POWERbreathe and how does it benefit you?

For those who have not heard of POWERbreathe here is a brief explanation: ‘POWERbreathe uses a technique commonly known as resistance training, in much the same way as you might use weights to increase the strength of your arm muscles.’ Source: How POWERbreathe was born The breathing apparatus trainer was born in the 1990’s […]

Inspiratory Muscle Training exercises

If you want to improve your respiratory muscle function then it is important you carry out regular inspiratory muscle training. Doing this type of exercise improves your respiratory muscle function and helps you breathe easier. These type of exercises require endurance and strength and are perfect to help recovering patients as well as healthy people. […]

Anxiety and feeling short of breath

If you suffer anxiety attacks and feel short of breath then your breathing will be forced and difficult. The symptoms you will have will be the difficulty in catching your breath. This triggers panic and makes you believe that if you don’t force yourself to take each and every breath you will stop breathing and […]